The full story can be read at this link:
Air India Customer Service—Fail
If you think that Flight 747 was a one-off case of AI inefficiency, read (at the next link) the summary of articles in major Indian newspapers over the last month that chronicle an airline that is in its dying stages:
How Does the Indian Government Let Air India Get Away with Customer Abuse?
Like most medicos, Dr Dave’s analysis is cryptic and to the point.
Medical Diagnosis
“Pathetic, disastrous, undignified, indifferent, callous, non-communicative and absolutely disgraceful services by the national carrier of a country.”
“I lost money, missed my hospital duty and hung around the airport like a beggar to AI officials.”
Doctor’s Prescription
“The airlines should be closed down and our tickets /money refunded.”
Dr Dave, Passenger on Air India Flight 747.
Image: Some Flight 747 passengers trying to get information from an AI official.